Thursday, April 7, 2016


Second Monster: The Blemmyes.

   The Blemmyes qualify as a monster in my book. The Blemmeys are a monsters out of Africa they became fictionalized and became a sort of legend in Europe and Africa.  They lived in ancient Libya, around where Egypt is today.
   While some, like the Greeks, said that the Blemmyes were a peaceful people there are more stories of them being cannibals than them being fun loving, and lets all get along.
   The Blemmyes are a tribe of headless men. How could they be cannibals then right? They have no mouths. Well you see, that's the thing. Their faces are placed on their chests, under their collar bones. This probably made it pretty awkward for them to eat and I have a feeling that their whole hand-eye coordination was off. Anyway even Shakespeare seemed to think that they were cannibals, so ya know.
   Either way fictional or not they've gone down in history. They're either scary or awesome or both depending on your view point.

   There is a non fictional tribe of Blemmyes as well that lived from around 600BC to 8th century AD, that lived around Egypt. And no, they are not said to have had faces on their chests. This is more than likely the  tribe that inspired the legend of the mythical Blemmyes.

Blemmy (Legend)

For info about the Blemmyes credit goes to: and

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